I hate spoiled kids like the one I talked with on trade chat last night. He acted like a butthole, he act he is the king of the game and he can do anything he want too. I like old generation they moral and modesty. Most kids in this new generation seems only care about themselves and don’t even care about how their parents earn money. All they think is money and don’t think about how hard to earn money. I hope my kids someday would not follow the new generation. I don’t like spoiled kids and my husband as well. As for my day, I’m doing alright got enough sleep. I went to bed late last night and so I woke up late too. As for my family in the Philippines they are doing fine. My mother and brother got accident from motor bike but I am glad they are doing fine. Anyway, I’m not going to keep this story long. I never eat breakfast yet so time for me to go eat.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Enrique’s still got it
I remember years ago when Enrique Iglesias first got popular in the States and my friends and I were obsessed with him. Now with his new CD and song “I like it” we’re obsessing and watching the video with our satellite internet UT again, just in a way that’s almost acceptable for 20-something women.
I was talking to my friend Anna about this the other day and so naturally, we decided to relive some of his old music watching his older music videos like “Hero” on YouTube with my satellite internet that I found through checking out rural internet providers. As we were watching him and Jennifer Love Hewitt as melodramatic lovers, I realized something. Enrique looks younger now than he did then! I’m sure it probably has something to do with botox and cosmetic surgery but I still think it’s weird. Also, his haircut in the “I like it” video makes him look like a little boy, but in a completely adorable, yet hot way.
It makes me wonder if in another 10 or even 20 years, Enrique will be cranking out even more club hits with him dancing around in the music videos looking like a 20-something. Maybe he’s a vampire. Just kidding
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Have You Seen Ice Road Truckers?
I remember the first time I saw Ice Road Truckers. It was a few years ago while I was lying in bed and ready to fall asleep. But once I saw this show come on, I was hooked right away. Ice Road Truckers is recorded documentation of truckers trying to haul products and equipment across the most dangerous roads in Alaska. One road is known as the Dalton. The conditions on this road can become severe. It has happened on many occasions that people have frozen to death in their trucks. This happens because the truck breaks down or they get stuck and nobody is able to come help them because the conditions are so treacherous. It's very sad. Luckily, the people I have been watching have all kept safe. They have had many close calls, though. One road they travel is frozen ice. This ice has come close to cracking on many occasions. The problem is that if the ice cracks, the truck will be pulled straight down and there won't be time for an escape.
I told my dad about this show recently. At first, he thought it was boring. This was no surprise to me. My dad likes to be miserable and judgmental about everything. As the show went on, I noticed he was still awake. This was a clear sign to me that he was enjoying himself. He asked about Ice Road Truckers the following week. Since that point in time, it has become a family tradition. We now watch Ice Road Truckers together every week on directv.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Keeping in touch with my family thanks to the Internet
I’m always in touch with my family in Colombia. Using the hughesnet packages is the most economical way to keep in touch with them. We stay hours and hours online just chatting about what we did during the day, who we met at school or work and where the next party will be. Sometimes my brother and I play online games, just to spend time together. We also use the internet to exchange pictures. My mom even bought a digital picture frame because I had sent so many pictures that it has become expensive to print them all. Last but not least, I also use the internet to send money to my family. I make online money transfers from my bank to their bank. There is a small fee transfer, but it still is less expensive than other traditional methods. The only problem we currently face is that my mom has a dialup connection. Sometimes we are in the middle of an important conversation when she gets disconnected. I have satellite internet, so I don’t have the same problem she does. I already asked her to investigate what other options she has as far as internet providers; until she does, we’ll have to keep chatting with frequent disconnections.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Thrifty business
I’ll save a buck wherever I can. My teenage kids tease about it, especially when I do things like dig through my purse to find a 50 cent coupon on an enormous package of toilet paper. But they really do know that me saving money here and then benefits them in the long run.
I decided recently to shop around for better prices on the utilities and services we already use like TV and Internet. So I started out searching (online, of course) for satellite internet in augusta ga. I compared the results I found with other companies and providers and settled on wildblue atlanta ga, which seemed to have some good user reviews online.
So far I like the service and have congratulated myself on the money we’re saving without sacrificing good service. (I’ll have to admit though that I didn’t really know what satellite internet was before I decided to change our service.)
I’ve already started comparison shopping cell phone providers because our youngest son is about to get his driving permit and will need a phone. But I have a feeling this will be more stressful than finding a new Internet provider.
My birthday is over
The celebration of my 25th birthday last Saturday. My husband and I went to the Chinese restaurant and celebrate my birthday for more. I was sick a little bit then from the long trip but I was doing fine. My husband is so thoughtful of me and I am proud of him. I thank God for him for being such a great husband. I hope God will give us many happy years together, and hopefully we can have kids soon. It’s Monday and been raining and thundering hard earlier. What I did is, when husband went to work I went back to sleep as there is no internet connection. I wake up at about 7am and now sitting on my husband recliner chair. I love his recliner chair, very comfortable. Sometimes when he sit on his chair I lay down beside him like a baby. I feel comfy when I am in his arm, I feel safe, loved, comfy and happy. As for my day, seems like I have done doing things I should do inside the house so I’d say I have a productive day too. It is time for me now to update my blog and tell you about my day. I hope you guys have a good week! God bless you all and may have a beautiful day like mine.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
One Small Step At A Time
As a parent, the world can often be hard to introduce your child to. Adding hughesnet internet to the mix of explaining bullies, first kisses, and other such trials of growing up can be a painful experience especially for the parent.
My child, too precocious for her own good, at 9 wanted desperately to play online. She hounded me constantly, daily for a month. Finally, like all good moms, I gave in. After at least an hour of warnings of not giving out her real name, address or anything else that could possibly be used to kidnap her with, I am not sure who was more scared, me or me. Ok, so I was a little paranoid. And after questions of why in this instance it was ok to lie (kids and their incessant questions) I finally allowed my child to hit the hughesnet in kentucky that was her new link to the global community and the new nightmare to keep me up at nights. After some searching and discussing, we found a website where she could adopt a cuddly creature, feed it, play with it, earn some coins, etc. In her new virtual playground, she quickly settled in and to a mother's utter content, she decided she was happy where she was and we could approach emails another day. Small win for me, giant step for her.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Boomers Hit the Net!
Grandma isn't just using the internet to check her e-mail and stock portfolio anymore, she's busting out of her little technology bubble to become a full blown member of the information age. Whether registering for her Social Security benefits at www.ssa.gov, or planning her next trip to Italy on www.50plusexpeditions.com senior citizens are taking up more lanes on the information superhighway than ever before and web entrepreneurs are taking notice.
Recognition of the great buying potential of baby boomers and retirees has led to a new market of online shops and information sites specifically tailored for those over fifty-five. Only a few short years ago a person would have to visit multiple hearing aid centers to gather enough information to make a well informed purchase, but now they can research multiple brands and styles with the click of a mouse. Your grandparents might even be looking for the next great love of their life on one of the many new senior focused dating websites. Dating for Seniors, www.datingforseniors.com, starts their date range search at a mere forty-five years old!
So remember, the next time you log into Facebook or Twitter, don't be surprised if the newest friend request is from the sweet lady who makes your birthday cakes and sends you scrapbooks of your elementary pictures. Make sure you accept her request though, because it wouldn't be nice to "Ignore" Nana.
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