My husband and I worked again on the chicken house yesterday. It was great, we nearly got it done. We ran out of nails and today we rested a lot but if we still had nails I am sure we would work at the chicken house Last night when we got done eating supper my husband and I checked the website we bookmarked a week ago. We found a great deal in ordering chickens online. We had many choices and we got the following breeds of chickens; New hampsire, Barred rock, Golden comets, Delaware, Brown leghorn, Black Australorp and Single comb Rhode island Red. The total cost of the chicken we ordered is $125.00. We ordered 85 chicks and 50 of the chicks are male chickens. I am glad the shipping is not too exspensive. We found out this evening though that they don't have some of the chickens we ordered in stock so they substituted some others. The place where we ordered chickens online is not far from where we live. They are located in Missouri, the place where my mother in-law lives. We got the confirmation today and they said they will deliver the chickens next Wednesday. I can't wait to have the chickens we ordered. I'm sure they are beautiful and I would enjoy myself feeding them. If you want to check their website visit them at Native chicken.
Anyway, I am glad my husband didn't work at our chicken house today. It lets us have time to relax. Ok peeps! this is it for now. May you have a pleasant evening with a perfect
Thursday, August 13, 2009
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