Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Form templates online for your site
We all are pressed for time and building a web site can be very time consuming. I have found a site that will help you immensely! They have literally hundreds of form templates that you can choose from. You can customize them to your liking and put them anywhere, on your web sites, blogs, social networking profiles, etc. All form submissions are collected in a database, then emailed, and even sent by SMS text message to the user. All forms are updatable in real time so, for example, you can create a survey form and study in one topic in the morning, and a different topic in the afternoon, all without cutting and pasting new code or re-embedding in a new place. You can create the structure you want, and embed it in multiple places once, then update it as needed. When the code loads on your browser, new content is loaded from the server so you will constantly be viewing new content! This is great and has limitless possibilities. It is very user friendly and you need no programming skills to use it. If you want to contact your viewers using more than email, then this is the program for you. Check out this link for your FREE Online Form Builder and experience the technology of this excellent program. All form submissions are 100% secure and will never end up in spam. Using this system you can create sophisticated contact, lead generation, registration, evaluation, and order forms and collect information in a very systematic way that works! No matter what kind of website you have, I urge you to give this a try! If your website is a business, then I STRONGLY urge you to give this a try. It will make your work much more efficient and save you time, and time is money! What are you waiting for?
my Journey here in America
My journey in life started in the Philippines on July 9 1985. My journey eventually led me here, to America when I joined my husband here last March. I entitled this blog Gemma's Journey so I can chronicle the events of my life here and tell you, my readers, of the difference in culture between here and my home country of the Philippines. My husband tries to protect me from having too much culture shock at once. Maybe sometimes he protects me too much, but who can know what is too much. I am glad that he and I are a team in everything we do. A few days ago we were discussing the visa interview I had to endure in Manila and we found out that both of us had serious doubts if I would be granted a visa. We were both worried about it a lot but we kept our doubts to ourselves and worked together to try to think of every obstacle that the interview might bring to us. Then we worked hard to have papers to prepare us for all those obstacles. Fortunately our doubts and fears were in vain and I passed the interview with flying colors. My husband and I realized that if we work together and put God first in our lives, we can do anything. My journey is really more than my trip here to America. My journey is the trip my heart, mind, and soul makes to find myself, to learn what is right and wrong, and to apply myself and be the best that I can be. God bless you all and may all of your journeys be as fruitful as my own has been. Goodnight to all.........
Monday, July 27, 2009
Happy Monday guys!
Saturday and Sunday I didn't get to jogged. You know every weekend we usually got up late as it rest and relaxation time. Day before yesterday my husband and I went to Mom. Willa at Missouri to visit her. We visited her once a month usually, I know she misses us just as we miss her. She is a great mother in-law and I love her a lot. She give me love like the love my parents given to me. I hope God will give her long healthy happy years so she can see our future kids someday. After a year or so my husband and I are planning to have a baby. From now on we are waiting as its not the right time to have a baby. I been thinking it is good to have a baby early but I also think about the future of our baby if we have one early. Anyway, I give all my thanks to God and prayer about everything. I know he is the most powerful one over this earth. Folks this is all for now...have a happy Monday!
Protect your loved ones with life insurance
Imagine this, you have a happy family, a sweet wife and kids, the whole works. You have a nice home with a mortgage, a nice car with a mortgage, then suddenly your time in this world is over and you leave your family suddenly destitute because they can't possibly pay for all of those things you owed for. So what is the solution? I have good news! Click on this link for a Life Insurance Quote. Then if something unexpected should happen to you, your family will be well taken care of. Your kids can have that college education after all, and your family will be able to keep their home and have all the things they need! Don't delay, check it out today!
Keep your posts original!
If you do blogging its very important to have original content in your posts. What is original content? Its exactly what it says, content that is original, that comes from your mind instead of someone elses. Google ranks pages by checking content to see if it is of value to your readers. Some sites attempt to raise their rank by publishing a lot of words that have very little value to anyone. Blog about things you know and understand and try hard to give your readers information that they won't find elsewhere. We all have knowledge that we can share. Blogging is about more than making money. Its about giving insight to others when you talk about the things you love or find interesting. Give your readers Original Content so they will want to visit your blog again and again. Do it to help your page rank, and for the respect of your fellow bloggers. When a blogger copies and pastes from another site it is stealing. Write your posts truthfully from what you know and use keywords that pertain to your site to help build your page rank. If you run out of words to say, then maybe you are not writing about something you have enough interest in. Of course most of us suffer from writers block on occasion, but don't let that stop you! Keep it truthful and most of all, keep it original!
Affordable Best Web Hosting!
Several months ago my husband bought me a program to help me make an online business. I have been thinking about what is the best choice for my business. I asked my husband what to do and he said “ we will publish our website to the best web hosting service". I have some good news today! I discovered this site that ranks the top web hosting services. It is best web hosting and they rank the services from hosts such as Inmotion, Justhost, WebHostingPad, FatCow, Bluehost, Hostmonster, Globat, Lunarpages, GoDaddyand Yahoo. So if you have a business and want to publish it to the best site I recommend you check this out. You can find exactly what you are looking for in a web hosting service. Remember that they rank the services from many places so you know they will help you find the right one for your needs. Another good thing is that there are links to provide you with instructions of what to do to get your site going. Some sites don't give you enough help after you buy their product. It happened to me and my husband, we bought several programs online but we don't know what to do as they don't provide enough instructions. So if you buy a program please select one that will stand by you all the way, such as Best Web Hosting. If you are looking to publish your website I urge you to take this opportunity now and visit the link above for your online business success. They provide you with prices and rank the different sites so you can get the best. This would be a great benefit for you if you use their site because their services are excellent. Your choice is your smooth pathway to success. Check out this link for their Top 10 Web Hosting page. I will use their expertise to find the best host publish my site someday, I hope you will do the same.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
I got my package today!
Yesterday my sister called me on the phone to check if I got the package she sent for me. Good news! I got it today and I love everything she sent me. She sent me shoes, purse, night gown, T-shirt, spices, dried fish and more. She is so thoughtful and I hope God will bless her more in return. I hope I can send her a package too but as of now I have nothing to send. The shoes perfectly fit on my foot, I guess my sister Ana and I are about the same size.
Anyway we went to visit Mom yesterday in Missouri and I was still sleepy when we got there. I think the pills my husband bought for me for motion sickness is what caused me to be so sleepy. I tried to stay awake but my eyes got so heavy that I couldn't stay awake...lol. We got home about 6 pm and were both tired. Oh I finally got my original SSN today and its great. I can now work legally, from now on I'm trying to find a job online. I know its easy to have a job online because we don't have any expenses in traveling to work. Here I would have to drive far if I got a job in town and the drive is sometimes dangerous when the roads get slick.
Today my hubby and I were so sleepy lol. I don't know if its the weather or what but we napped most of the day. I don't know if we will sleep tonight or not. Tomorrow is back to work for my hubby. Have a great week everyone!
Anyway we went to visit Mom yesterday in Missouri and I was still sleepy when we got there. I think the pills my husband bought for me for motion sickness is what caused me to be so sleepy. I tried to stay awake but my eyes got so heavy that I couldn't stay awake...lol. We got home about 6 pm and were both tired. Oh I finally got my original SSN today and its great. I can now work legally, from now on I'm trying to find a job online. I know its easy to have a job online because we don't have any expenses in traveling to work. Here I would have to drive far if I got a job in town and the drive is sometimes dangerous when the roads get slick.
Today my hubby and I were so sleepy lol. I don't know if its the weather or what but we napped most of the day. I don't know if we will sleep tonight or not. Tomorrow is back to work for my hubby. Have a great week everyone!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Blogging is lots of fun!
Here I want to share something I experienced in blogging. I don't know if you are interested to know about it but even so I love to share it here with the hope to convince you to blog too. Last night my husband and I went to bed late again, you know blogging is more fun as you can do it anytime, day or night. We updated our blogs last night and we enjoyed learning more about how things work online. My husband is supposed to go to bed early as he gets up early on working days, but because he loves blogging he stayed up late. So if you don't have a blog yet I suggest that you make one. Visit
Blogger sign in. When you get done sign up to payperpost at
PayPerPost v4.0, a site that connects to your blog page which would help you earn bundles of money. We all know that computers are the most used technological advances we have. When you want to learn about something new, or curious about something and want to find an answer the internet is always helpful. Through the internet you can study and teach yourself about nearly anything. There are many online programs now that you can study. So for me the internet is very helpful for many things I do, but God is the most helpful of all. I use God for spiritual guidance and the computer for education. There is a verse in the bible that says “ Pray and thank God for he is an unspeakable gift.
Blogger sign in. When you get done sign up to payperpost at

Try affordable Chief Supply today!
Are you looking for an affordable place to buy supplies for your agency? If so, you can find it here now by visiting Police equipment. They provide everything you need for your safety such as; body armor,uniforms, footwear, bags, flashlights etc. So shop now, remember it saves you money, time and car gasoline when you shop online. Wow! Great deal, they have clearance offers that are 25% to 90% off. It doesn't get better than that! So what are you waiting for! Try Chief Supply today,and save a lot of money. There is no hassle at all. You can shop right from your office or even from home. You can shop by brand or by price. Good news for you! You can order through phone, mail, fax or online. As for their services, you will be satisfied because they stand behind what they sell! Shipping is fast and safe. For fast and easy access, give them a call at this phone number: (888) 588-8569.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Let WillyFogg do the searching for you
We all know that there are many search engines but here is one that is special. WillyFogg provides a search/comparison site with international search in many languages. They make product information more accessible to people all around this big world of ours. They are unique in many ways. They use a load spreading technique that reduces the strain on servers when their crawler is indexing websites. WillyFogg provides more reliable and accurate results than any other search engine. I was so impressed with them that I made their search engine my home page. Imagine how fast work would get done in your Office or at home if you use WillyFogg! Give them a try today, you will be glad you did!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sunshine angel

Early in the morning
When the sun begins to rise,
A little sunshine angel
Wakes up and rubs her eyes.
She dresses up in sunshine,
In glowing golden rays,
And sets out on her wandering
To brighten up our days.
She touches every flower
As it opens to the sun
And spreads her warmth and happiness
To bless us every one!
© Author Unknown
Have a Blessed Day
filled with Sunshine!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
We went to bed late last night
Its weekend and my husband and I stayed up late last night. You know we love to play on the computers and try something new on the net. I hope what we learned is not a waste of time. By the way, we are staying up late again tonight. You know we are trying to know more about how things work on the internet. The internet is very helpful to people as its World Wide Web where you can find all the information that you want to know anywhere in the world. So if you are curious about something there's no need to worry because the internet is the answer. Ok guys this is for now..happy Saturday!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Yippppeeee I finally got my SSN
I went to Fayetteville today to get my SSN. It didn't take so long to get an SSN. I am proud of American workers, they always do their best. One thing I have to get one of this days is a Drivers License Manual and it would be another long trip. They don't have at Huntsville so we will get it on Spring dale. I hate to go far places riding a car as I got car sick but if you ask me riding motorbike I am proud to say that a whole day drive won't make me sick...hehehe. Sound funny but thats the truth I didn't get sick riding the motorbike. Anyway, we have a productive day today as we did a lot of work. We bought our groceries and do our laundry so that save us have time to relax. Not long ago I told my husband to buy a chain for our dog Blanche and a router for our other computer.However, my husband surprised me today of buying chain for our dog today and a wireless router for the other computer. It is good that he got a good deal buying a router as he got it $30 over instead of $60. I am proud of my husband he always do his best. Guys this is it for now...have a wonderful evening!
Monday, July 13, 2009
I hate to go outside
Good gosh its hot today! I think I will stay inside most of the day and enjoy the air conditioning. My hubby and watered the garden Saturday, so hopefully it won't need water now. Some bugs are eating the blooms off my roses. We put some chemicals on them so hopefully the bugs will die now. My chicken is doing well and loving the food we bought for it. I think it was pretty hungry from eating only a few bugs and some rice lol. Blanche seems to like the chicken and she lays by its pen and guards it most of the time. Sometimes when its outside she tries to bite it though so I don't know if she is just playing or if she really wants to bite it. We trimmed the chickens wings today so now hopefully it can't fly out of its pen again. Ok enough for now. God bless...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
We took a ride on the motorcycle today
Today my husband and I went to town to wash our clothes and buy some groceries. we decided to take a ride to the town of Berryville on the motorcycle so we did. It was fun, even though today was very hot. When we got home we ate and rested for awhile and then decided to haul water from our pond to water the garden and flowers. We were pretty hot and tired when we finished so now we are going to spend the rest of the evening indoors with the air conditioner lol. There were a lot of motorcycle riders out today. Our bike is big and loud and we really enjoy it. It gets better fuel mileage than the truck so we can have fun and save money at the same time. Everyone have a nice weekend!
Friday, July 10, 2009
I enjoyed my birthday celebration...

I enjoyed the celebration of my birthday yesterday. We had cake and chicken adobo and they were very tasty. Yesterday, while my husband decorating the cake he told me not to watch him. I did what he told me and afterward he called me to come over and blow the 24 candles on top of the cake. He did really great in decorating the cake and making my 24th birthday very special. He is a great husband and I thank God for him every day. When we got done eating my husband told me to call the family in Philippines. I get thru and I enjoyed talking to them knowing they we're all well and happy. They told me that they sent me an e-card online but I didn't get to check them yesterday as we often went to bed early. I will check them today and also the e-card of my husband sent to me online. I bet they were nice and full of inspiring messages. Well, I want to share another story about our Dog Blanche and our chicken. This morning when I opened the door for my husband to go to work I saw Blanche laying on our porch watching the chicken rest in front of our four wheeler. I don't know why our chicken love to rest in front of our wheeler even though we put it inside the dog pen. I guess Blanche barked at it again. It seems like Blanche guarding the chicken to not get lost...lol. That was great and funny if she did that. Till next time, I hope you enjoy seeing the photos of my birthday and reading this post.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
My 24th birthday

Every day is special for me but today is the most special day and I count it as my greatest treasure from God. This morning when I opened the door for my husband to go to work, I got tickled seeing our dog Blanche sitting beside the chicken in the yard. Last night before we went to sleep we put the chicken inside the dog pen and left our dog outside. Blanche walked around the fence to see and smell the chicken, then she barked at it a lot lol. I guess she didn't get to see chickens before as she lived in a dog shelter when we bought her. I like our dog, she is so cute and funny. I also like the chicken our neighbors have given to me. Its white in color and came from Pennsylvania according to our neighbors. Lol, I was scared yesterday when we got to their yard because of their dogs. If I remember correctly, they have 5dogs and they are all BIG! I thought they would bite us but thank goodness they were friendly. They jumped on me and I can feel that they are heavier than goats.
By the way, happy birthday to me and thanks to God for giving me this beautiful day with a very healthy life, for my husband's love and support, for my families love and support, and for my friends. When my husband woke up this morning he sang a birthday song for me and it was so good to hear. He started my day off with a smile. He also enclosed a note on our laptop saying Happy birthday and that he loves me. I am proud of my husband he is such a thoughtful loyal husband. When he arrives this afternoon he will finish the cake he made yesterday for my birthday. Herewith I uploaded one photo and its the gift my husband got for me. I like them and hope you enjoy to see them. I will upload another photo later when I have time.
Friday, July 3, 2009
We went to town
Its Friday and its our groceries time. We are little bit late in going back home today, you know we went to Walmart to pick-up the sheet we ordered online. The two sheet we ordered didn't arrived at once so we got one order today and its light green color. I like it, its soft and thick. I hope our new mattress will arrived soon so we can put this new sheet to new mattress. The old mattress we had is very good but when we sleep on it, we sunk that when we got up our back aching. I can't wait to have our new mattress. I'm sure I would be very comfortable to sleep on it. It has pillow top and the bottom is little bit hard but I guess thats good. By the way guys I got my birthday gift today and they are very nice. Its wrist watch and necklace. Actually my birthday would be this coming Thursday but because we are little bit far in town my husband bought it earlier for me. I will take photos later so you can see them. Another thing I want to share here is I got my green card today. I am so happy that it arrived safely here even our address was not written correctly.
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