I felt like working outside today, even though its raining. I worked until I got pretty wet and cold. I drove our ATV today and gathered big rocks around our property, I filled the attached Trailer to our ATV with big rocks. When I went up the hill to our drive way, near to our pond, I had a hard time driving making it climb the hill. You know the road was slick and rocky, and I had a large load of rocks on the trailer. I nearly had a wreck because the ATV ran backward. I am glad I remembered the brakes and managed to stop it before I had a wreck...lol. As the ATV couldn't pull the heavy trailer up the slick hill to our drive way, I took the rocks off the trailer and went the other way that is safer. I hauled the rocks in two loads then to be sure I won't have a wreck...lol. When I got home I tried to dump the rocks but it was too heavy, so what I did is, I took the rocks one by one off the trailer by hand. When I was done I dug small ditches and placed the rocks beside the walkway to our house. After that I decided to go inside and eat my lunch. When I get done eating I went outside again to clean our ATV and I was finished with it at about 2:30pm if I remember right. I didn't do a good job cleaning our ATV as I didn't get it real clean, but it looks much better than before. Maybe I will clean it again if I feel like working...lol. My advice to those who have ATV's, be very careful while driving and try not to drive on rocky road. Try not to pull a load that is too heavy for the ATV as this can cause them to roll out of control and get us hurt. Ok guys this is it for now.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
My husband got his teeth fixed
My husband went to the Dentist today to get his upper front tooth fixed. It was good to see his lovely teeth fixed well by the Dentist. I think the Dentist didn't charge him this time because he didn't do a good job fixing my it before before. It made me smile when my husband told me about his Boss at work. It sounded like their Boss want them to work even though it was quitting time. My husband had the appointment at the dentist and had to leave on time. He worked on his lunch break so he can go to the Dentist on time but his Boss didn't mind what he did. He told my husband to reschedule the appointment only 30 minutes before he was due to be there, but my husband didn't listen to him and left anyway. That was terrible that the boss won't consider the situation of other people...lol. Usually the boss is good though, he has a lot on his mind lately because of the slow economy. My husband really does like him a lot, but sometimes they disagree lol.
By the way my husband bought me dandruff shampoo and it is very good shampoo. I like it and I thank him for getting it for me, that was thoughful of him. I am proud of him. He is a great husband that takes good care of his wife...me.
Monday, April 20, 2009
I was done planting the seedlings for our garden
I didn't go back to bed after I got up and got done preparing coffee for my husband. It's usually 5 a.m. when we get up because he has to start work early. I feel sorry for my husband because sometimes when we sleep I accidentally disturb him by moving a lot on bed because I feel something tickling my body. Maybe its the sheet on the bed tickling me lol. Well, it's such a fruitful day for me as I finished planting the seedlings we bought two weeks ago. I hope all the veggies will grow. The small tomato seedlings seem like they are dying, I hope not. It was 7 p.m. when I left my garden area, you know I try to make sure the veggies are well protected so the money we spent won't go for nothing. I gathered the limbs of trees and cut into small pieces, and made fences for every seedling I planted. I hope Rabbits, Squirrels and Deers won't bother my garden area. Guys this is all for now, I haven't got to cook supper yet so I better go now...buh byeeeeeeeeee.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I picked up some rocks on our yard
It's a pretty day today and I went outside to pick up some rocks from the yard, and I also burned some dried leaves that fell off the trees in the yard. At lunch time I decided to cook my lunch meal outside as I missed the way we cooked in my country, Philippines. There I cooked on an open fire by using charcoal and wood. I had roasted chicken yummmmmmmmmy! and rice. While I ate I roasted another piece of chicken so when my husband arrived he has something to eat...lol. At about 3:45 pm he arrived and after he ate the chicken that I cooked in an open fire, he drove the tractor to get me some soil to put on the flower beds that I made. I followed him driving our ATV with trailer attached and hauled a big load of soil back to put in the flower beds. It is fun doing things like that. When we get back home we unloaded and spread the soil on the flower bed together. My husband is such a hard working man and I am grateful to God that both of us are the same, work together, laugh together and share everything together...lol. Guy's, supper is ready so I better close this now. Have a great evening.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I let Blanche run free today
After I ate brekky I went outside to feed Blanche. She barked a lot today and I didn't see anything outside, I bet she barked at the cars that passed our drive way. Anyway, she was so happy that I turned her loose to play in our yard. One thing that bothers me is, she carried some of our trash and brought it to our yard. I guess she wanted me to clean our yard...lol. How I wish I could understand what she is doing but I have no way to understand her as she is a dog. She layed on the porch most of the time today and I am happy about it. She did not get spayed yet but hope she will get spayed soon. I am not too scared here now to go outside as I have company when I do something outside. I love our dog, she guards me here while my husband is at work. When my husband arrived this afternoon we took a drive up the road to meet Doc, my husband's friend. Blanche was with us then. We wanted to leave her here but she ran fast to come with us and I decided to carry her like a small baby...lol. As of now she is our baby as we don't have one yet. When we get back home my husband challenged me to race him by running lol. It was a tie race. Guy's its enough for now. Have a nice day to all.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Ginger tea stopped motion sickness

It was good that my husband did not have work today. We enjoyed our day visiting my husbands mother. Then we went to a small tourist town and visited a huge statue of Jesus. Its about 60 feet tall. We took lots of pictures. Then on the way home we bought pizza. I got carsick so I only ate 1 piece. We have some left in the frig tho so I may eat it later. Well, I was not so sick as I didn't vomit, just my head got dizzy of seeing the curvy mountain road...lol. I brought some fresh ginger tea with me today and took a sip often while we travel so I won't get so sick. Absolutely the ginger helped a lot. We got home about 8 pm and I layed on comfy chair for a while to relax...lol. My husband didn't eat supper, except for the pizza, but I did coz I eat more than him...just joking but sometimes I do...lol. The photo where my husband is standing was taken in front of the rest room for tourist people. The small building looks pretty neat as its made of rock and it looks like a castle. It was the first time we visited there and we are planning to visit again when I get used to traveling. Guys this is enough for now...Have a pleasant day.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
What a good driver
By the way I took photos of my husband driving our four wheeler, I also took video and I wanted to put it here so you can see but it won't let me as its big, well I'm sorry for that part. What could you say in seeing him in photo riding our four wheeler/ATV anyway? for me he is a great driver, he drove so fast and that photo scared me the first time I saw him doing that. It's bed time now guys...good night.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The tomato that we bought last week
My husband and I went to big Walmart last weekend to find seedlings for our garden, and cloth to sew. We're both lucky as we found the things we're looking for a week ago. A few days ago my husband told me that its not good to plant anything in our garden yet as the weather is cold. I went outside many times today to give food to Blanche and check if she is ok. When the delivery man brought our sewing machine here I see Blanche so quiet, I thought she would bark as she didn't know the man coming into our yard but she behaved and watched the man walking to our porch. I think she got confused...lol. I believe Blanche loves my husband a lot because when my husband arrived he swayed her tail like greeting my husband a good afternoon. She is a good dog of ours and we love her a lot. I wish we don't need to tie her but I guess she should be tied so she will get used to living here and won't leave us. Oh well it makes me feel bad about our tomato plant because it looks like its dying. I hope this tomato can survive staying here inside in our house for a while. I love tomato especially when you put it on Kilawin and fish and hamburger. If I remember right, we bought it in exspensive price that is $3 and I hope it won't die. Some of the leaves turn into yellow as you can see in picture. I took picture for you guy's to see. This is all for now. Have a great day everyone!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Our water inside the pail was frozen
When I woke up this morning I went outside to check our dog Blanche. I am glad she was there and been waiting for me to feed her. I guess she didn't get to drink much water last night because the water I keep in our pail was frozen and when I check her drinking water it was frozen too. I took her out of her shelter today and put her in our yard so she can feel the heat of the sun. It's windy today and the temperature is still down. I put another blanket outside for Blanche to lay on so she won't get so cold. During lunch time I move Blanche to our backyard so she won't have to feel the wind blowing so cold. When my husband arrived, after we eat supper my husband went to backyard door and there he saw Blanche untied. It amazed me what she does but its plain to see that she bite the string we used to tie her so that made us think to get another thing to tie her and my husband found a chain. The chain is little bit rusty as it was not used for a long time but I hope she can carry it...lol. This is all I can share for now guys...have a pleasant evening.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The weather is so cold today
We woke up late today and its good because we went to bed late last night. It's supposed to rain tonight, a freezing rain according to the forcaster on TV. My husband and I went outside while ago to make a good shelter for our dog Blanche. As we saw her while ago laying on our lawn, she is feeling cold and my husband and I tried to find a way to make her a good shelter and we did. I hope she can sleep well tonight. I think she could because we put a blanket in her shelter. She is lonely and yelps loudly when we leave her alone lol. Its too cold to stay outside for very long so we didn't pet her very much today. The wind is blowing very hard and the temperature is dropping quickly. Its in the 30's now. We are watching tv lots today lol. Have a nice day everyone!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The driver of propane truck broke one of our big trees
It's very bad what happened to one of our big trees in our front yard. The wrecker truck put a cable around it and cut the bark nearly all the way around, this will probably kill the tree. I didn't know it before, just this day. While I'm bringing the food of our dog inside the fence my husband saw the tree, I didn't notice it when the delivery men work outside because I was inside the house at that time. My husband feel really bad about it being broke because its near to our house and is near to our electric post and we're afraid about it that it might fall and hit that electric post or our house. Wish we could find a way to get the tree down safely. We may call the propane company and inform them with what they did as they were not supposed to hit anything here. They are supposed to be more careful...lol. If they deliver here again I better be aware and whip their butt if they hit something...lol.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
My husband polish my nails
While I was working in our yard yesterday my husband arrived and he helped me work in our yard for a long time. He dug some dirt in our land that is good soil for planting, by using our little strong tractor. I brought our four wheeler near the drive way with trailer attached so I can help my husband haul dirt. When were done working outside we came up to our house and prepare meal for supper and afterward we bathe together. I didn't think my husband was going to polish my nails after we bathe because he asked me yesterday if I am ready for him to polish my nails. I said oh yeah I'm always ready...lol. I really thought he was just teasing me but he did it with his greatest love and care for his onery wife...lol. I love my boy and I thank God for him every night and day. I hope God will give us many years together.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I make a flower garden spot again
I went outside earlier than I did before, you know the weather is so cool and the wind didn't blow much. I hate it when the wind blows a lot coz it makes my skin look like its chapped...lol. My husband told me to put lotion on it but I guess lotion can't stop it...lol. My lips feels so sore and I am glad sis. Judy give us some good skin treatment. Fortunately, it helped my lips a lot, it makes my lips looks shiny...lol. Anyway this is all for now...have a nice day everyone.
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